
Headshit: XBox 360 Communicator

I bought my XBox 360 in late December, right? Premium set with all the bells and whistles including the Headset. Late January, my headset starts going out on me, and I wind up buying a new one. Why? Because Microsoft has a filing error on my system's serial number and says they can't do anything til they get it straightened out. So because of their screw up, I go a few days without a headset waiting to hear from them, before I finally decide to buy new one.

I'd had that one for over a month before, it too, died on me, which means even if I could've track down the receipt, Gamestop was not gonna take it back. So, fed up, I called Microsoft and very politely ask for them to send me a new one. After about a 10 minute process of straightening my serial number problem (yes, a problem that looked like it would take days before, only took a few minutes), I've been informed that I would be getting my new headset in about 2 days. HOORAY!

One problem. I'm still pissed off. Ya wanna know why I'm pissed off? I'm pissed off because for $519 bucks (the combined cost of my 360 and buying a new headset), I feel like my crap should be lasting longer than what it is. I have a PC headset that's taken FAR more abuse than my 360 headset, and it works just fine. I treat my 360 gear like a new born baby fresh from the hospital, and the fucking headsets are still coming down with SHFS (Sudden Hardware Failure Syndrome) on me with in just a little over a month. Will I be making this call again in a month to ask for another replacement? Or even better, when will Plantronics get around to releasing their new 360 headset (which looks more comfortable anyway)?

I normally don't like 3rd party gear when it comes to gaming. I like to know my stuff will work in a crunch and it will freakin' last. Microsoft generally makes good PC accessories; I've gone through a few computer mic and keyboards with them, and usually takes awhile for that stuff take punishment (I know, PC equipment shouldn't take punishment at all, but when you have a 7 year old brother, shit happens).

What I'd like to know, is what could have possessed Microsoft to create a headset that was so cheaply made as to die after a month? If it were just me, I'd chalk it up to bad maintenance on my part. But, many people I know are on their second or their headset also. Based on my experience, and the people I've talk to the longest life thus far has been 9 weeks. After that, you'll mostly likely be calling MS or running to Wal-Fart or Worst Buy to get a new one.

All I can say at this point is that I hope this is only a problem with first generation headset and not a something that will continue. Still, you have to wonder; is Microsoft cutting costs by making cheap ass techno-bling that's gonna fall apart on us in less time than it takes to actually get the new gear smell to fade away?